Since this is my first post in 2021, let me officially say, "Happy new year". Thank you so much for reading my blog all the way. Your feedback means a lot, because whenever I feel lazy to write😆, I remember there's someone out there waiting to hear from me. I love you all. Moving on to what I have for you today, you know how we start the year with fresh resolutions and plans/ideas, in general, I found that a lot of people use the beginning of the year as a time to declutter: take out old contacts, unsubscribe from irrelevant subscriptions, leave WhatsApp group pages that are no longer beneficial to them, etc. For me, I did the little decluttering I could do😄 and I certainly did not have new year resolutions. I didn't have a list to name "new year resolutions" because I did a lot of reviews about my life in the past year in December, and by the end of that month, I had already started living based on the modifications I made for myself from those reviews ...