
Showing posts from October, 2020

Is he/she the one?

I really didn't want to put this content up because it's an understanding that dawned on me based on my conversation with a friend. I felt like it wasn't necessary. But then, I realized that when God stirs my heart to write about something, and I do strong head😄by trying to find something else to write on, nothing comes! Not until I've penned down the one currently on my mind. So here it is👇 As a lady who gets advances from admirers, some of them being your friend who wants more while others are guys who probably fell in love with you at first sight if there's anything like that😄(I think we should talk about this someday). You find yourself trying to consider at a point if you're compatible or not, and this plays a larger role in your decision making. So I realized there's a percentage of compatibility to be considered when making a decision of who to be in a relationship with or not. You can meet a guy whom you are 45% compatible with, and while you are

Womb Eviction Day

I almost wasn't going to write this, because I felt like I'm guilty of it too, but then my final decision to write is as a result of my determination to do better going forward😅, so here it is!  Several years ago, the concept of gifting people for their birthdays was regularly practiced. I remember receiving quite a number of gifts from my friends and toasters😜 and I also got some for people.  I can still remember this gift shop I do go to. Oh! Remember those gift cards (birthday, wedding and much more) some of which I bought for as little as #30/#50😄. Even though people eventually throw them away when it starts littering the house but receiving them makes you feel like you matter, yeah?  During one of my birthdays in secondary school, we were going to start our exams that day, and so my best friend, Olamide, handed over my birthday gift before the exam started. I opened the wrap and was greeted by 2 pens, 2 pencils, 1 razor blade, 2 erasers and a ruler.  I was so happy, you