In the spirit of my induction into nursing profession, I decided to share one particular experience I would never forget, perhaps there's something to learn from it. 

It was my first test as a fresh undergraduate of nursing science in the University of Ibadan. The anatomy test, embryology in particular, was to last for 15 minutes, 3 questions. It was an essay, so believe me when I say 5 minutes was far from being enough to attempt one question. 5 minutes is probably not enough to think and organize your thoughts actually not to talk of writing it down.

Anyway, I had read and prepared well, when the questions were given, mehn, I had a lot to write down even drawings to back my answers since in anatomy, your drawings earn you more marks. 

The examiner said we should start, I had no wrist watch to manage my time with, yet I had this enormous ideas to write down but limited time.

I had just finished answering the 2nd question in the 2nd answer sheet when I heard "time up"

We dropped our pens as I stared at the 3rd blank answer sheet with only my matric number written on it. I was in severe pains๐Ÿ˜‚, why?  I knew the answers because I read well for the test, I just didn't have enough time to answer the question. 

I was prepared for the test but overlooked one important factor which was time. I had been groomed for time management right from secondary school, so the issue was that I didn't have a wristwatch and unfortunately there was no wall clock in the lab that day. 

I left anatomy department trying to keep the tears forming in my eyes away, I managed to get to chapel of ressurection where I cried seriously๐Ÿ˜‚, I cried because it was my first test in the University, and I felt like I fumbled. 

I knew if I had a wrist watch, the story might have been different. Next day, I headed to Agbowo to buy a wristwatch (before then I wasn't really crazy about having a wristwatch as long as I could check the time on my phone)

The remaining test and exams I had that semester was with serious time management with my wristwatch in hand๐Ÿ˜…. My classmates can bear witness that I was always among the first set of people to submit 30 minutes before the end of each exam. I'm glad I had 82 in anatomy that semester. That experience made me better. 

The essence of this story is to let us know that we might be prepared enough to face life yet overlook the significant things that matter most.

Also, it's okay to make mistakes, because it helps you to avoid such mistake when it can be most fatal. I was glad that happened during anatomy test and not exam. Infact, I was always prepared in terms of time management in any exam as a result of that incident. 

I'll leave you with this:

Learn from your mistakes and avoid the repetition of the same.

Don't be too hard on yourself. 

We are to learn from our pains and this should bring about growth. 

Keep learning! keep growing! keep managing your time! 

Your always, 

Ololade Ruth Oluwatumininu. 

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