Have you ever found yourself in a situation, 
where you want to do things that are natural to who you are, but 
the fear of being taken advantaged of, makes you take the alternate action?

Your first mind wants to take a step but you get stopped in the track when 
you consider 101 reasons why doing it will make you seem vulnerable to others.

When growing up, I knew the birthday of every one around me by heart, I stay awake till 12 am when I wish them "happy birthday" before I sleep, until...

Therefore, you accustom yourself to that person that is supposedly less vulnerable
But before you know it, a change gradually occurs
You can hardly recognize who you are anymore.

People you wanted to protect yourself from 
will be the one to ask you...
Who are you?
What have you become?
This isn't who I knew you to be!

...that birthday of mine when all my close pals actually forgot my birthday, including my family members😞. I was disappointed, I began to change, not attempting to remember anyone's birthday or bothering to stay awake to make it special for them.

I've heard of people who stopped helping others 
because of pest-like people who take advantage of their care. 
A once caring, loving and selfless personality becomes cruel, cold-hearted and selfish.

Sometimes you loose the sense of who you are because of past hurts.
Sometimes you just want to show that you are not as daft as they think you are.
It's understandable, lol. 
But the question is, should you let others determine who you are or want to be?

But I realized I didn't like who I was becoming. 
That's not who I am. 
 I can't lose myself!
I can't change who I am to be as bad as those I'm running from. 

Do I still struggle with that decision to be myself despite hurts and disappointments from others?
Does this mean I should't apply wisdom when dealing with people who are "dangerous"?

What then should you do?
Find the balance between "not losing yourself" and "wisdom in dealing with people"

In all you do, never lose the good in you for the bad around you!

Yours sincerely,
Ololade Ruth Oluwatumininu

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