Have you seen movies where a character feels threatened by a life situation and decides a road trip will help clear his/her head in getting a solution to the problem at hand? 

I came to realize that for me, a major place where I get such solitude that incites my meditation is the bathroom. Yeah, you read that right. As the water touches my body, it's more like it's washing away the cloudiness of my mindπŸ˜„, and then I can think clearly. 

Proper Bathroom and Restroom Manners

gradyreese / Getty Images

I wondered why this was so, especially the day I realized most of my ideas were conceived while in the bathroom. But I realized that the environment created a seclusion where I could meditate conveniently and get a lot of ideas to run with little or no distraction. 

Besides the bathroom of course, I was soon able to discover other "wheres" that incites my meditation, creative thinking and reasoning. 

Road Trips - Everything You Need to Know - Travel Guideline

Another of such is "while traveling", I get a lot of inspiration on the road as I feel the breeze on my face. I discovered that we owe ourselves a private or secluded atmosphere where we can think creatively, listen to God more and conceive ideas without the various distractions that face us daily.

The "where" differs for everyone of us, it should be a place where your stream of thoughts flow easily without any limitations. 

The bathroom may seem unbelievable, but I've conceived a lot of ideas in the bathroom than I ever thought I could. 

Other people could get inspired in the kitchen while cooking, on the bed just before sleeping, while washing or even during a sport activity. 

It doesn't matter how awkward the "where" may seem to others, what matters is that you continue getting inspired and executing your ideas. 

Recognizing the "where" gives you an idea of the environment where your mind thrives better when it comes to creative thinking and meditation. 

And when you have situations that require you to retreat to that place, you do not hesitate knowing answers await you right there.

Yours sincerely,
Ololade Ruth Oluwatumininu
 feel free to share your "where"😊 in the comment section πŸ‘‡


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