Letters to my Father

This is a different piece that stemmed from a moment in my life when I felt like I needed someone to talk to but I really didn't wanna talk to a family or friend.

I guess I felt no-one would really understand. And truthfully, as much as we feel we should talk to people, I understand there are situations people cannot really relate well with what you're going through. 

So I found myself finding a means to express myself without locking a lot within myself while hurting emotionally and mentally. 

And there came a day I picked up my phone and started typing on one of my note apps, writing a letter to God, pouring out my mind. 

At the end, I saved it as if posting a mail to someone invisible. I felt like a burden had been lifted from my mind, then I realized it feels good to pour out your deepest hurts which you can't share to other people in other ways possible. 

I've met quite a number of people who, rather than writing down their burdens like I did, speak to the air or an object around as if communicating to a friend.

My point is, maintaining our mental health and stability is of great importance, and as much as we have confidants that we share a lot of things with, there are matters best written as letters to God or spoken in form of a conversation with an unseen friend. 

You think God ain't gonna read or listen to such or you feel it's not really a prayer until you close your eyes and pray? 

Well, when I wrote that burden down, I unbelievably got an answer the next day and even more answers another time. I was excited that God could pay attention to one letter I wrote in my note app, lol. 

Try to communicate it to God like He's one of your friends. 

He's a better friend with the best solution possible. 

Yours always, 

Ololade Ruth Oluwatumininu. 

Feel free to share or drop a comment 😍 

#mental health #letterstomyfather #burdens #friends #writeit #speakit



  1. This is a good one, communication is always a key to fellowshipping, and as communication is not complete without receiving a message , the father will always make it a complete one.

  2. He always listened even in our lowly state. What a friend we have in Jesus

  3. Creativity at it peak... When will you add relationship talk to the blog too...
    More ink to your pen.

    He listened to our sigh, our mood swings, our cry, our silence, our loudest voice... He pays attention to it all...

    1. Hmmn... Mood swings, silence (wow). Amen to the prayers..
      Relationship talks loading.

  4. God is ever ready to listen to us.

  5. The universe is governed by the unseen but not many have the idea of how. Little wonder expressions and words to the unseen give relief than the seen... 👊


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