
Showing posts from May, 2020


I saw an episode of an American TV series, blindspot, Reade attempted kissing his co-worker and friend, but Zapata told him, "we're just friends". You know, I was as shocked as Reade, because even as a viewer, I almost thought Zapata was as interested in a more intimate relationship as Reade.  I believe I have people like me here who find it easier to connect with the opposite sex, especially on the basis of friendship. It's cool to have a male or female friend, but unfortunately, many of these kind of friendship relationship cause a lot of problems later which could have been averted. This does not necessarily mean you should avoid friendship with the opposite sex. I mean, how many do you want to run from when it comes naturally? lol. But that you avoid the emotional stress and trauma that comes with long time friendship with an opposite sex. Some of which may include unwanted advances, unwanted sexual feelings or even sexual harassment o


I don’t wanna talk, I don’t feel like talking, Simbi told herself. As she looked at her gramps who obviously wanted her to say something to ease the tension her silence was building. As she looked at the recent chat from her best friend who says  "we're drifting apart these days, what's up?" As she looked into the face of her husband who says,  “what’s happening to us?” As she looked at the series of unread chats on whatsapp awaiting her response. She tried to bring herself to respond, opening her mouth, nothing came out, staring at her fingers which couldn't bring itself to type a word. What’s wrong with me? Is it the hormones? Is it a mood-thing?  She asks herself. Her world is crashing, she's loosing friends faster than she can keep them, just because she doesn't feel like talking. She desperately seeks a fast solution. She remembers what the Holy book says about the spirit being willing but the flesh being weak. Of course, when


When u play a "this or that" game, where you need to choose one out of two weighted options. One is expected to weigh much more than the other, which should therefore, be your answer in that category. But let's say you are faced with a reality, a pressing situation, a life-demanding circumstance, where you have to decide whether it's this or that. Especially in areas of life such as career, relationships, marriage, academics, job hunting amongst others. Both options weighted, weighs equally, one wrong decision costs you a big loss. A lot of questions fill the heart, one specifically rings louder, THIS OR THAT? What should you do? 1) Still the heart Let there be peace, let the noise in your heart be stilled. Sometimes your heart amplifies your dilemma, creating noise that disrupts an effective decision making process. 2) Find the 0.1 You have a 50/50 options at hand. But consider having 50.1/49.9 options. You have an answer, don't you? All you need


Many times, we get agitated about the future, a lot of expectations we lay down for ourselves; In the nearest future, I must achieve this. But how do you measure your achievement Keeping our gaze forward or looking back? Looking back right? And by this, you determine if your expectations or goals were achieved or not. Here’s an exercise for you. Set a time frame for yourself going back in time. Subtract what you were back then from what you are now. That gives you the value you added to yourself within that time frame A positive answer means you added value to yourself. A negative answer means you probably depreciated. Depreciation? Is that even possible? Yes! When learning stops and value isn't added, a depreciation can occur. Look behind you! Measure! Improve! Remember to 👏 or drop a comment


It's really bad, I want to end it! When things go bad, I mean really bad, series of thoughts run through our mind. Let me share some of mine...promise you won’t laugh (lol) you see, I’m even laughing at myself. * Sometimes, I wish the end of the world would come with the appearance of Jesus, just to save me from the mess I’ve found myself, but then I remember I’m not married and haven’t started a family yet, and I don’t want Him coming to end the world when... you know....😂. * Other times, a thought like, "God take my life and lemme come join you in heaven" comes, but quickly I tell myself, you don’t wanna die now, trust me 😂 Then at that moment, I wondered what made those people who committed suicide do so? I mean, it must have started with thoughts like those, right? Especially when they feel they can’t control their life anymore. They think they have nothing to live for anymore. So when things are bad, they feel they have the easy way out which is


Have you ever wondered why, one moment in your life, you feel peace and serenity in your mind. You’re not bothered about anything and life seems to be going fine for you. Until.... That moment when you’re disturbed by a matter that seems to start with just one thought. For example, you're at a healthy peak of positive mental health status and suddenly you lost your job. Before you know it, you’re thinking about: how the little savings you have won’t last for more than a month if you don’t get a job soon. how you need to cut back on expenses for the time being. how you won’t be able to buy the wedding cloth of your friend and the fear that she would see you as a sly. And then, anxiety and depression may start to creep in. The truth is, within a minute, you had left the major fact and stumbled into series of other thoughts which I’ll refer to as "Noise" This noise is able to prevent you from tackling the major problem which is job loss. The noise cre