I don’t wanna talk, I don’t feel like talking, Simbi told herself.
  • As she looked at her gramps who obviously wanted her to say something to ease the tension her silence was building.
  • As she looked at the recent chat from her best friend who says "we're drifting apart these days, what's up?"
  • As she looked into the face of her husband who says, “what’s happening to us?”
  • As she looked at the series of unread chats on whatsapp awaiting her response.
She tried to bring herself to respond, opening her mouth, nothing came out, staring at her fingers which couldn't bring itself to type a word.
What’s wrong with me? Is it the hormones? Is it a mood-thing? She asks herself.
Her world is crashing, she's loosing friends faster than she can keep them, just because she doesn't feel like talking.
She desperately seeks a fast solution. She remembers what the Holy book says about the spirit being willing but the flesh being weak.
Of course, when the mouth is weak to open itself, and the fingers are weak to type. She smiled at her sarcasm but realized it’s becoming a real problem, one she must attend to.
As she went through a friend’s status update on whatsapp, planning to entertain herself and cure her boredom. Some words caught her attention, BE INTENTIONAL!
As she stared at the words, she realized she just got an answer to her problems.
“I never tried enough”, she told herself, “I should be intentional about my communication”.
You cannot afford to thread life alone, take bolder steps, be intentional about communicating with people. A relationship cannot be sustained without a healthy communication.
After responding to the piled up chats, having a heartfelt discussion with her husband and her friend, and going back to check on her Gramps who excitedly shared a lot of things on his mind being an old man that he is, Simbi smiled at herself satisfactorily.
Her world is getting back in shape.


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