When u play a "this or that" game, where you need to choose one out of two weighted options.
One is expected to weigh much more than the other, which should therefore, be your answer in that category.
But let's say you are faced with a reality, a pressing situation, a life-demanding circumstance, where you have to decide whether it's this or that.
Especially in areas of life such as career, relationships, marriage, academics, job hunting amongst others.
Both options weighted, weighs equally, one wrong decision costs you a big loss. A lot of questions fill the heart, one specifically rings louder, THIS OR THAT?
What should you do?
1) Still the heart
Let there be peace, let the noise in your heart be stilled. Sometimes your heart amplifies your dilemma, creating noise that disrupts an effective decision making process.
2) Find the 0.1
You have a 50/50 options at hand. But consider having 50.1/49.9 options. You have an answer, don't you? All you need to do is find the option that gives you a 0.1 value more. It could be THIS OR THAT.
3) Eliminate the highest potential loss
Put a cross on that option that potentially carries the highest loss, this leaves you with the lowest potential loss or highest potential gain.
Yet, it could be THIS OR THAT!
Believe in that which you have chosen, run with it!
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