
Virgin or not?

During my teenage years, I was in a vigil. After the prayers, the man of God said, "A virgin should pray for us" And he was like, don't try it if you're not a virgin lest you receive a curse.  You guessed right. The church was silent. I don't want to tell you what happened after😂 Now that I think of that day, I'm not in the position to say he was right or wrong to do that. All I can say is "Ko necesstri, my brother"😅 So the thing is, I am a Christian and an advocate of sexual purity. But, that doesn't or shouldn't put us in the position of a judge over others who are not. I remember reading an article by a colleague, Olojugba Damilola, (I think I'll get the link and put it in the comment section) she wrote that a lot of virgins are not actually virgins per se, some keep that place down there (lol) undefiled while satisfying their urges in other ways (porn, masturbation etc)  My conclusion is, if you're a virgin, thank God for your l

Letters to my Father

This is a different piece that stemmed from a moment in my life when I felt like I needed someone to talk to but I really didn't wanna talk to a family or friend. I guess I felt no-one would really understand. And truthfully, as much as we feel we should talk to people, I understand there are situations people cannot really relate well with what you're going through.  So I found myself finding a means to express myself without locking a lot within myself while hurting emotionally and mentally.  And there came a day I picked up my phone and started typing on one of my note apps, writing a letter to God, pouring out my mind.  At the end, I saved it as if posting a mail to someone invisible. I felt like a burden had been lifted from my mind, then I realized it feels good to pour out your deepest hurts which you can't share to other people in other ways possible.  I've met quite a number of people who, rather than writing down their burdens like I did, speak to the air or a

The Learner's Permit

 As a fresh undergraduate, having grown up in a family where we believe in cooking our own food, while going to restaurants/eateries isn't a permitted luxury😄... ...I found myself amidst friends while studying one day, talking about hotdogs, sharwama, pizza etc and I'm like I've  not eaten any of the above before. Imagine their surprise, they laughed ehn. And I was like, I no send jare😄. Then I took an adventure of intentionally buying each of those food items, sharwama today, pizza another day, just to mark my own register of experience and thereafter, I could do yanga to people who haven't tasted any before, especially my brothers, as per local champion😂 I realized there's this pride in knowing something someone else doesn't, and having the privilege of being the vessel of honour😄 impacting the knowledge. Now, you can be in the midst of enormous knowledge, yet deprived of gaining this knowledge by your own self.  This made me realize you don't force p

Wanna be like You...

That popular saying, "I wanna be like you when I grow up"...  The "avoidable" headache of man begins when they start to compare themselves with other people.  Hoping they can achieve what their friend or colleague achieved without having to go through the sacrifices required in attaining those successes.  Some with a hint of jealousy, wishing they can be the one in that neighbour's shoes. Of course, enjoying the good times, not the bad.  They see their crush or ex getting married to a beautiful woman and begin to say something like "I'm sure I'm more beautiful than she is" or "I can bet that I'm better in bed than she is". But deep inside, they only feel bad because they're not the beautiful lady in the wedding gown next to the man.  And so, life goes on and on with one person at a rung of a ladder wishing they were at the upper rung where life seems to be better, at least that's what they assume from their standing point


When it comes to Love, Relationship and Marriage, I have seen men fall in love with women who are physically disabled. A woman falling in love with a quadriplegic man.  A man proposing to deaf beautiful lady.  A successful man bearing his heart to a lady with scars from partial thickness burns on the face and body  All with physical disabilities. And I wondered how these things came to be.  I mean, we all have our dreams and desires; tall, dark and handsome kinda dreams😄 After some meditations on this, I remembered the definition of health by World Health Organization.  "Health is the complete state of physical, mental and social well-being of an individual and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".  I began to realize that marriage between two perfect, non-physically disabled, individuals doesn't completely rule out the presence of scars that go beyond physical.  I started to see individuals who despite lacking physical scars bear with them emotional ones. Ind

Cycle of Friendship

Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family. As we go through various developmental milestones from childhood to adulthood, we meet and move with various people we call friends .  We make some in school, in the neighborhood, in church/mosque, at our workplace or even on social media.  A lot of things attract friends to each other, ranging from similar  beliefs and values ,  interests and activities, viewpoints, way of life, life experiences etc.  However, it is possible for a friendship relationship to enter a stationary or death phase when the individuals involved start to find a lot of difference in things they considered common to them before, or that attracted them to each other initially.  When such happens, it takes sincerity on each one's part to decide whether it's time for that relationship to come to an end or find a new set of object of attraction.  The stages of friendship includes: Stranger, Acquaintance, Casual Friend, Close Friend, an


Have you ever found yourself in a situation,  where you want to do things that are natural to who you are, but  the fear of being taken advantaged of, makes you take the alternate action? Your first mind wants to take a step but you get stopped in the track when  you consider 101 reasons why doing it will make you seem vulnerable to others. When growing up, I knew the birthday of every one around me by heart, I stay awake till 12 am when I wish them "happy birthday" before I sleep, until... Therefore, you accustom yourself to that person that is supposedly less vulnerable But before you know it, a change gradually occurs You can hardly recognize who you are anymore. People you wanted to protect yourself from  will be the one to ask you... Who are you? What have you become? This isn't who I knew you to be! ...that birthday of mine when all my close pals actually forgot my birthday, including my family members😞. I was disappointed, I began to change, not attempting to reme