
I'm His baby!

  While packing the Jollof rice we cooked towards my dad and mum's birthday thanksgiving that morning, this boy of about 6 years was helping us to pack the Styrofoam disposable plates. He observed there were 3 colours of the Styrofoam disposable plates; blue, pink and yellow. He looked up and told his mother that he loved the blue plates more, then he added, "I'm going to be given a food from the blue plate in church today". I looked up at him immediately because his words caught my attention. I just felt this boy spoke from a place of confidence, he was so sure of himself getting the blue plate. So I said "Make sure you come and show me the colour of the food pack you get today". Fast forward to the end of service, I had forgotten all about our morning conversation. The boy ran towards me and said "I told you so, I got the blue plate" (Of course, the kids line up while their coordinators hand over their food to them. They don't pick it themsel

Interview Session on "Is he/she the one?"

I promised to deliver! Here it comes! Sequel to my last post on "Is he/she the one?", I had a short interview session with 6 single/engaged individuals; 3 males and 3 females.  Let's see their responses on the journey to being with the one. Sit back, grab a snack and enjoy the read.   Let's take a pause😊 What do you think?  From the responses above, I can say there's no particular standard on how to know that guy/lady is the best for you. I believe you'll just know it😄 I also believe for those who trust God in this decision making, He'll help them to "just know it"😂 whether through visions, the word of God or inner witness.  I'll like to read your views in the comment session below👇 In Interview 1, my respondent said something like, they were only compatible in spiritual values, yet, they worked and walked together to achieve a good relationship that led to a successful marriage. Okay, let's get to the last. It's one of those that

Is he/she the one?

I really didn't want to put this content up because it's an understanding that dawned on me based on my conversation with a friend. I felt like it wasn't necessary. But then, I realized that when God stirs my heart to write about something, and I do strong head😄by trying to find something else to write on, nothing comes! Not until I've penned down the one currently on my mind. So here it is👇 As a lady who gets advances from admirers, some of them being your friend who wants more while others are guys who probably fell in love with you at first sight if there's anything like that😄(I think we should talk about this someday). You find yourself trying to consider at a point if you're compatible or not, and this plays a larger role in your decision making. So I realized there's a percentage of compatibility to be considered when making a decision of who to be in a relationship with or not. You can meet a guy whom you are 45% compatible with, and while you are

Womb Eviction Day

I almost wasn't going to write this, because I felt like I'm guilty of it too, but then my final decision to write is as a result of my determination to do better going forward😅, so here it is!  Several years ago, the concept of gifting people for their birthdays was regularly practiced. I remember receiving quite a number of gifts from my friends and toasters😜 and I also got some for people.  I can still remember this gift shop I do go to. Oh! Remember those gift cards (birthday, wedding and much more) some of which I bought for as little as #30/#50😄. Even though people eventually throw them away when it starts littering the house but receiving them makes you feel like you matter, yeah?  During one of my birthdays in secondary school, we were going to start our exams that day, and so my best friend, Olamide, handed over my birthday gift before the exam started. I opened the wrap and was greeted by 2 pens, 2 pencils, 1 razor blade, 2 erasers and a ruler.  I was so happy, you

Virgin or not?

During my teenage years, I was in a vigil. After the prayers, the man of God said, "A virgin should pray for us" And he was like, don't try it if you're not a virgin lest you receive a curse.  You guessed right. The church was silent. I don't want to tell you what happened after😂 Now that I think of that day, I'm not in the position to say he was right or wrong to do that. All I can say is "Ko necesstri, my brother"😅 So the thing is, I am a Christian and an advocate of sexual purity. But, that doesn't or shouldn't put us in the position of a judge over others who are not. I remember reading an article by a colleague, Olojugba Damilola, (I think I'll get the link and put it in the comment section) she wrote that a lot of virgins are not actually virgins per se, some keep that place down there (lol) undefiled while satisfying their urges in other ways (porn, masturbation etc)  My conclusion is, if you're a virgin, thank God for your l

Letters to my Father

This is a different piece that stemmed from a moment in my life when I felt like I needed someone to talk to but I really didn't wanna talk to a family or friend. I guess I felt no-one would really understand. And truthfully, as much as we feel we should talk to people, I understand there are situations people cannot really relate well with what you're going through.  So I found myself finding a means to express myself without locking a lot within myself while hurting emotionally and mentally.  And there came a day I picked up my phone and started typing on one of my note apps, writing a letter to God, pouring out my mind.  At the end, I saved it as if posting a mail to someone invisible. I felt like a burden had been lifted from my mind, then I realized it feels good to pour out your deepest hurts which you can't share to other people in other ways possible.  I've met quite a number of people who, rather than writing down their burdens like I did, speak to the air or a

The Learner's Permit

 As a fresh undergraduate, having grown up in a family where we believe in cooking our own food, while going to restaurants/eateries isn't a permitted luxury😄... ...I found myself amidst friends while studying one day, talking about hotdogs, sharwama, pizza etc and I'm like I've  not eaten any of the above before. Imagine their surprise, they laughed ehn. And I was like, I no send jare😄. Then I took an adventure of intentionally buying each of those food items, sharwama today, pizza another day, just to mark my own register of experience and thereafter, I could do yanga to people who haven't tasted any before, especially my brothers, as per local champion😂 I realized there's this pride in knowing something someone else doesn't, and having the privilege of being the vessel of honour😄 impacting the knowledge. Now, you can be in the midst of enormous knowledge, yet deprived of gaining this knowledge by your own self.  This made me realize you don't force p